In our more than 40 years as a Main Street America organization and catalyst for economic development in Shelby, NC, the Uptown Shelby Association has done - and continues to do - incredible work in our community. Scroll down to see a few of our accomplishments, and read on to learn about our plans for continued growth and development.
President: Fred Blackley
President-Elect: Molly McKinney Huss
Past President: April Crotts
Treasurer: Jay Gragg
Secretary: Chrys Riviere-Blalock
Brit Payne
Crystal Gibson
Debbie Philbeck
Justin Longino
Laura Eslick
Micah Martin
Scott Sharp
Shelby Putnam
Stacy Walker
Spencer Borders
Susan Jones
Terry McCartney
Executive Director: Carly Bostic
Community Engagement: Kaitlyn McNeilly
Office Manager: Jenny Seykora
Bookkeeper: Anna Lineberger
We raised approximately $12,500 through events such as Seeds in Season, Carriage Rides, and the Uptown Block Party. These funds benefit the facade grant program we provide to our Uptown Shelby merchants.
Athena Scholarship awarded to the Executive Director to attend Leadership Cleveland County
Received $200,000 from the NC State Funds to support the stabilization of the Rogers Theater
Received $16,000 from the City of Shelby from their Travel & Tourism Grant program
Shelby Middle School Career Fair
Crest Middle School Career Fair
Gardner Webb Career & Internship Fair
Presented to Shelby Breakfast Rotary Club
Presented to Cleveland County First Gen students
Presented to Wofford Lifelong Learners
City of Shelby Employee Health Fair
NC Main Street Promotions Training
Chamber Lunch & Learn: Understanding Local Labor Trends
NC Main Street Conference
Nonprofit Impact Workshop
NC Main Street Economic Vitality Training
Chamber Lesgliative Breakfast
State of the City of Shelby
Retail Strategies Academy
NC MS&RP Statistic Training Webinar
NC Main Streed Executive Director Training
Grant Management Workshop
BNI Networking event
NC Main Street Design Training
"Why We're Sweet on Shelby" by Marianne Leek, published in the August-October issue of Good Grit magazine
A Weekend in Cleveland County by Finn Cohen, Our State magazine
A Locally Crafted Travel Guide to Cleveland County by Jodi Helmer, Our State magazine
Who's that doggy in the window? Shelby business helps dogs find forever home by Maureen Wurtz, Oct 25, 2023, Queen City News
Six new, pastel-colored women-owned businesses in Shelby by Maureen Wurtz, Oct 25, 2023, Queen City News
Spooky stories, unexplained sounds haunt 77-year-old Shelby theater by Maureen Wurtz, Oct 25, 2023, Queen City News
March 21 & 22: Hosted Hilary Greenberg Economic Development & Planning Workshop
April 20: Cohosted along with Earl Scruggs Center, the Henhouse Prowlers Concert at the Bobby Bell Pavilion
May 4: Inaugural Uptown Block Party
May 18: Shelby Alive with Andrew Scotchie & the River Rats
June 15: Shelby Alive with Soulified 7
July 20: Shelby Alive with the Silver Travis Band
August 17: Shelby Alive with Chairmen of the Board
September 2: Earl Scruggs Festival
September 3: Earl Scruggs Festival
September 21: Shelby Alive with 80z Nation
October 14: Seeds in Season Annual Fundraiser
October 21: Livermush Festival (Land of Rhythm)
November 25: Small Business Saturday
November 25: Carriage Rides & Annual Tree Lighting
December 1: Carriage Rides
December 8: Carriage Rides
December 15: Carriage Rides
The Uptown Shelby Association provides advice and technical support to existing businesses within the uptown area, and is responsible for recruiting new businesses that would strengthen and improve the economic base of Uptown Shelby. USA strongly encourages rehabilitating existing retail spaces, offices, residences, and other facilities.
The Uptown Shelby Association sponsors special events, festivals, and promotional programs to attract more people into the Uptown district and create a strong, positive image with the public. Our promotional programs may range from large-scale events to modest shop local advertising and public relations efforts.
The Uptown Shelby Association builds partnerships among diverse groups, following our vision, encouraging revitalization and development efforts. The board and staff of Uptown Shelby Association are also active in sharing responsibilities with other prominent community organizations and institutions.
The Uptown Shelby Association works to strengthen the district's quality through architecture, street landscapes, traffic patterns, public amenities, and other techniques. Special attention is paid to historic restoration and adaptive reuse of existing properties, emphasizing the sustainable nature of the physical Uptown District.